Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dear Oprah

One of my most favorite and unforgettable Oprah’s episodes was the time when she gives away 276 brand new Pontiac cars for all her audience members, in 2004 . At that time, I was still in the Philippines.Since then, because of my astonishment to Oprah, I immediately became a fan. I’ve been dreaming of one day I can also watch the Oprah Winfrey Show live and hoping to get some ‘freebies” from the show.

Moreover, I never thought that I’ll be residing in Chicago, ever.  Now that I’m just a few miles away from Harpo Studios,which is just located near downtown Chicago, I wonder how could I enter and watch her show. Oprah is one of the richest entertainers, I suppose that her success is not only because of her own scheme but also because of the wits of the whole production team. I hope that one of her researchers would read  this blog and bestow me a seat in the Oprah’s show(I wish) before the final season ends.

If that happens, I would be the happiest member of the audience.

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