Thursday, February 24, 2011

Start of a New Career

This is my first ever Blogsite. Should I say that this is a new career or a new hobby? Anyway, either of the two this would still be an interesting activity for me.Being a full time mom to a 2-year old toddler is quite a job because you have to juggle yourself as being a playmate and also a mother. Most of the time, we only stay at home and watch tv the whole day especially on winter season. For 3 years (including my prenatal year), I almost had the same routine everyday. That's why whenever the temperature set  into 55 degrees to 60 degrees I always make a time of going out with my daughter may it be at the park or at the mall. Since her father works
almost everyday, I make sure that my daughter still gets the right time and attention.

I was actually influenced by one of my Facebook friends, she's also a full time mom and a blogger. I found blogging really inspiring because you can say anything under the sun and share a lot of things in cyber community.
I am looking forward to blog more and more on the next days. I hope that this would be a successful one.

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