Monday, February 28, 2011

Food dilemma

Since my daughter turned 1 year old, it’s always been hard for me to feed her. She’s taking chewable vitamins to improve her appetite, but it seems like it’s not enough.
But then I realized that I feel so disappointed it’s because I’m comparing my daughter’s body frame to some other baby’s weight. Last January 2011, we visited her nutritionist and she told me a good news about her weight, she told me that she gained some weight so it means that all the hard work in feeding her paid off (every lbs. matter). My toddler is still breastfed   every time before she sleeps or before taking a nap, so I consulted it to her as well, she said that breast milk is still the best. So that made me feel confident about her daily diet. So nothing to worry about her food, but I’m still accepting suggestions and recommendations to improve her daily diet.

What Excites You?

EXCITEMENT, this word gives positive energy to our lives. When you are looking forward on something and you know that it will make you happy, that excites you .I remember when I was still a child my family and relatives had made a lot of travels. We always  had  “summer getaways’, we normally go to the beach, which really made me feel excited. Sleepless nights was usually the effect of my excitement. Then when I was already on my sophomore year in high school., we started to have vacations outside the country. The first time is always exciting. I wonder if there’s already Facebook at that time I probably would have shout it out to everyone and would have posted the pictures from the vacation.

Boredom is the Antonym of Excitement. When we’re  bored we tend to do uncanny things it’s because our mind is looking for something to do or something to stimulate ourselves. Who wants a boring life? No one. All of us, wants positive anticipation because it gives color and happiness to our lives. If you are an optimistic person, positive energy is what you’ve always looking for. If you practice righteousness to others, positive things are on your way.

As a mother, excitement for me is waking up in the morning and spending time with my daughter. Sharing the laughter with her really makes my everyday life colorful. Dreaming on her future, excites me as well. We should celebrate life by making it exciting by doing the right things with passion and sharing good values to everyone. When we’re excited we’re happy too, why not share it to others? Because being happy is contagious.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Start of a New Career

This is my first ever Blogsite. Should I say that this is a new career or a new hobby? Anyway, either of the two this would still be an interesting activity for me.Being a full time mom to a 2-year old toddler is quite a job because you have to juggle yourself as being a playmate and also a mother. Most of the time, we only stay at home and watch tv the whole day especially on winter season. For 3 years (including my prenatal year), I almost had the same routine everyday. That's why whenever the temperature set  into 55 degrees to 60 degrees I always make a time of going out with my daughter may it be at the park or at the mall. Since her father works
almost everyday, I make sure that my daughter still gets the right time and attention.

I was actually influenced by one of my Facebook friends, she's also a full time mom and a blogger. I found blogging really inspiring because you can say anything under the sun and share a lot of things in cyber community.
I am looking forward to blog more and more on the next days. I hope that this would be a successful one.